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Mostly Speakin' Sentai EP 208: "If It Makes You Happy Keep Doin' It!" w/ Joe of "Hit It & Crit It"


This week we become Spider-Man with all the perks, none of the powers, but more of the tragedies because we watched episode 26 of Toei's Spider-Man entitled, “The Fake Hero in Big Trouble”! This week we're joined the always lovely Joe, from "Hit It & Crit It"! Come along as we chat about wide thighs, a new declaration, model painting, student count day, SATS, the wildness of Spider-Man, instant mash potatoes, allergy hands, cats who lick, Eruption Beast, American public transit, crotch work, butt shots, papaya juice, car maps, land mines, sharks, & more!

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