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Mostly Speakin' Sentai 28: "Onion Booty" with Carranger!

Super Sentai, we've missed you! That's right, we're starting the comedy Sentai series, Carranger! We watched episode 1, "Fighting for Traffic Safety"! On top of trying to figure out how old Dappu is, we talk about about shared hatred of car ownership, James tries to move a mic stand, Juggalo poetry, clowns and chainsaws, licking butt, Wreck-It-Ralph, birth control necklaces, Spy Kids, old Lois Lane comics, Nicole in hot weather, the (not) crazy amount of listeners we get, our plans for Patreon, the sexiest form of James, Frank being gross, we figure out our own versions of Car Magic, & more! Listen to Mostly Speakin' Sentai on Anchor, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, & Stitcher!

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